Interfaces, Classes and Traits
- AddBundleParametersValidator
- This is the basket add bundle parameters validation class.
- AddLinkedParametersValidator
- This is the basket add linked parameters validation class.
- AddProductParametersValidator
- This is the basket add product parameters validation class.
- AddProductsParametersValidator
- This is the add product parameters validation class.
- BasketCustomTagsParametersValidator
- This is the basket model (get custom tags resource) validation class.
- BundleItemParametersValidator
- This is the bundle item parameters validation class.
- CommentParametersValidator
- This is the basket comment validation class.
- DeleteRowsParametersValidator
- This is the delete rows parameters validation class.
- DeliveriesParametersValidator
- This is the basket deliveries validation class.
- EditBasketCustomTagParametersValidator
- This is the basket custom tag parameters validation class.
- EditBasketCustomTagsParametersValidator
- This is the basket custom tags validation class.
- EditBundleParametersValidator
- This is the basket edit bundle parameters validation class.
- EditLinkedParametersValidator
- This is the basket edit linked parameters validation class.
- EditProductOptionParametersValidator
- This is the basket edit product options parameters validation class.
- EditProductParametersValidator
- This is the basket edit product parameters validation class.
- HashParametersValidator
- This is the basket edit/delete product hash validation class.
- PaymentSystemParametersValidator
- This is the basket payment system validation class.
- ProductOptionValueParametersValidator
- This is the product option value parameter valiedator validation class.
- RewardPointsRedeemParametersValidator
- This is the basket comment validation class.
- SetBasketAddressesBookParametersValidator
- This is the basket addresses validation class.
- ShipmentParametersValidator
- This is the basket shipment parameters validation class.
- ShipmentsParametersValidator
- This is the basket shipments validation class.
- BundleParametersValidatorTrait
- This is the base add/edit bundle basket parameters validation trait.
- ProductParametersValidatorTrait
- This is the base add/edit product basket parameters validation trait.