Interfaces, Classes and Traits
- Prices
- This is the Prices class.
- AdditionalImage
- This is the Product additional image class.
- CategoryProperties
- This is the Category Properties class.
- Combination
- This is the Combination class.
- CombinationValue
- This is the Combination Value class.
- Comment
- This is the comment class.
- DefaultOptionPrices
- This is the default option prices class.
- Definition
- This is the product Definition class.
- Discount
- This is the product discounts class.
- DiscountLanguage
- This is the Discounts Language class.
- ItemPrices
- This is the Item Prices class.
- Prevision
- This is the Prevision class.
- Prices
- This is the Prices class.
- PricesByQuantity
- This is the Prices by Quantity class.
- Product
- This is the Product class.
- ProductAvailability
- This is the product availability class.
- ProductAvailabilityInterval
- This is the product availability class.
- ProductAvailabilityIntervalLanguage
- This is the product availability class.
- ProductCategory
- This is the Product Category class.
- ProductCodes
- This is the Product Codes class.
- ProductCommentsAggregate
- This is the Product CommentsAggregate class.
- ProductComparison
- This is the Product Comparison class.
- ProductComparisonCustomTagGroup
- This is the Product Comparison CustomTag Group class.
- ProductComparisonCustomTagGroupCustomTag
- This is the Product Comparison CustomTag Group CustomTag class.
- ProductLanguage
- This is the Product Language class.
- ProductRewardPoints
- This is the product reward points class.
- Stock
- This is the Stock class.
- Earned
- This is the Earned class.
- Redeemed
- This is the Redeemed class.
- RewardPointsSummary
- This is the RewardPointsSummary class.