Interfaces, Classes and Traits
- BatchRequest
- This is the Batch Request class.
- BundleGroupingCollection
- This is the BundleGroupingCollection class
- CombinationData
- This is the Current Data class.
- CombinationDataOption
- This is the Current Data Option class.
- CombinationDataOptionValue
- This is the Current Data Option Value class.
- CombinationDataStock
- This is the Current Data Stock class.
- CatalogCustomTagValue
- This is the Catalog Custom Tag Value class.
- Category
- This is the Category class.
- Comment
- This is the element comment main class.
- CustomTag
- This is the Custom Tag class.
- CustomTagLanguage
- This is the Custom Tag Language class.
- CustomTagSelectableValue
- This is the Custom Tag Selectable Value class.
- CustomTagValue
- This is the Custom Tag Value class.
- Element
- This is the main class.
- ElementCollection
- This is the main collection class
- Error
- This is the Error class.
- Factory
- This is the main factory class.
- HttpStatus
- This is the HttpStatus class.
- Pagination
- This is the Pagination class.
- PaymentSystemPropertyValues
- This is the basket payment system property values class.
- PluginData
- This is the plugin data class.
- PluginProperties
- This is the plugin properties class.
- ProductCommentCollection
- This is the product comment collection class.
- Request
- This is the Request class.
- SalesAgentSales
- This is the sales agent sales class
- Status
- This is the Status class.
- Theme
- This is the Theme class.
- UserPluginPaymentToken
- This is the user plugin payment token class.
- NewsletterSubscription
- This is the NewsletterSubscription class.