Interfaces, Classes and Traits
- AppliedTaxTrait
- This is the applied tax trait.
- CatalogCustomTagValueTrait
- This is the catalog custom tag value trait.
- CustomTagsBaseDataTrait
- This is the custom tag base data trait.
- CustomTagsDataTrait
- This is the custom tag data trait.
- CustomTagValuesTrait
- This is the custom tag values trait.
- DateAddedTrait
- This is the date added elements trait.
- DocumentAdditionalItemTrait
- This is the date added elements trait.
- ElementDescriptionTrait
- This is the description trait.
- ElementDiscountValueTrait
- This is the discount value trait.
- ElementIndexableTrait
- This is the main indexable trait.
- ElementLanguageTrait
- This is the main language trait.
- ElementLinkAttributesTrait
- This is the linkAttributes trait.
- ElementModuleTrait
- This is the name trait.
- ElementNameTrait
- This is the name trait.
- ElementTrait
- This is the main trait.
- ElementUrlSeoTrait
- This is the url SEO trait.
- ElementValueWithTaxesTrait
- This is the discount value trait.
- ErrorTrait
- This is the theme trait.
- IdentifiableElementTrait
- This is the identifiable elements trait.
- IntegrableElementTrait
- This is the integrable elements trait.
- LinkTrait
- This is the link trait.
- PublicatedElementTrait
- This is the publicated elements trait.
- RMAStatusTrait
- This is the date added elements trait.
- SalesAgentTrait
- This is the theme trait.
- TargetTrait
- This is the target trait.
- TaxTrait
- This is the tax trait.
- ThemeTrait
- This is the theme trait.
- TotalsTrait
- This is the totals trait.
- UserAdditionalInformationTrait
- This is the theme trait.