Interfaces, Classes and Traits
- AddressBookAddController
- This is the user address book add controller.
- AddressBookController
- This is the user address book controller.
- AddressBookEditController
- This is the user address book edit controller.
- ChangePasswordController
- This is the user change password controller.
- CompleteAccountController
- This is the user complete account controller.
- CreateAccountController
- This is the user create account controller.
- DeleteAccountController
- This is the user delete account controller.
- DeleteNewsletterController
- This is the user delete newsletter controller.
- GiftCodesController
- This is the user gift codes controller.
- DeliveryNoteController
- This is the user delivery note controller.
- InvoiceController
- This is the user invoice controller.
- LoginSimulationController
- This is the login simulation controller.
- OrderShipmentsController
- This is the OrderShipmentsController controller.
- ReturnController
- This is the user delivery note controller.
- ReturnTracingController
- This is the user delivery note controller.
- RmaController
- This is the user rma controller.
- RmaCorrectiveInvoiceController
- This is the user rma returns controller.
- RmaReturnsController
- This is the user rma returns controller.
- SalesAgentCustomerOrdersController
- This is the sales agent customer orders controller.
- SalesAgentCustomersController
- This is the sales agent customers controller.
- SalesAgentSalesController
- This is the user rma returns controller.
- LostPasswordController
- This is the user lost password controller.
- OauthCallbackController
- This is the user oauth callback controller.
- OauthController
- This is the user oauth controller.
- OrderController
- This is the user order controller.
- OrdersController
- This is the user orders controller.
- PaymentCardsController
- This is the user payment cards controller.
- PoliciesController
- This is the user policies controller.
- RecommendedBasketsController
- This is the user recommended baskets controller.
- RewardPointsController
- This is the user payment cards controller.
- RmasController
- This is the user orders controller.
- SalesAgentController
- This is the user orders controller.
- StockAlertsController
- This is the user stock alerts controller.
- UserController
- This is the base user controller.
- UserWelcomeController
- This is the user welcome controller.
- VerifyAccountController
- This is the user verify account controller.
- WishlistController
- This is the user wishlist controller.