- Banner
- Basket
- Blog
- Checkout
- Geolocation
- News
- Page
- PhysicalLocation
- Product
- ProductComparison
- Resources
- User
- Util
Interfaces, Classes and Traits
- AreaController
- This is the Area controller class.
- BrandController
- This is the base brand controller
This class extends BaseHtmlController, see this class.
- BrandsController
- This is the base brands controller
This class extends BaseHtmlController, see this class.
- CampaignsController
- This is the CampaignsController class.
- CategoryController
- This is the base category controller
This class extends BaseHtmlController, see this class.
- ChangePasswordAnonymousController
- This is the Change Password Anonymous controller class.
- CloseCommerceController
- This is the CloseCommerceController Class
This class extends BaseHtmlController, see this class.
- ContactController
- This is the base contact controller
This class extends BaseHtmlController, see this class.
- DiscountController
- This is the base discount controller.
- ErrorController
- This is the ErrorController Class.
- FeedController
- This is the FeedController class.
- HomeController
- This is the HomeController class.
- NotFoundController
- This is the NotFoundController Class
This class extends BaseHtmlController, see this class.
- OrderController
- This is the base order controller
This class extends BaseHtmlController, see this class.
- SearchController
- This is the base search controller
This class extends BaseHtmlController, see this class.
- SitemapController
- This is the SitemapController class.
- WishlistController
- This is the base wishlist controller
This class extends UserWishlistController, see this class.