Interfaces, Classes and Traits
- AddUserController
- This is the AddUserController controller class.
- AddUserFastRegisterController
- This is the AddUserFastRegisterController controller class.
- AddWishlistProductController
- This is the AddWishlistProductController controller class.
- DeleteAccountController
- This is the DeleteAccountController controller class.
- DeleteAddressBookController
- This is the DeleteAddressBookController controller class.
- DeletePaymentCardController
- This is the DeletePaymentCardController controller class.
- DeleteStockAlertController
- This is the DeleteStockAlertController controller class.
- DeleteWishlistProductController
- This is the DeleteWishlistProductController controller class.
- DeliveryNoteController
- This is the user delivery note controller.
- DeliveryNotePdfController
- This is the Delivery Note pdf controller.
- ExistsController
- This is the ExistsController controller class.
- InvoiceController
- This is the user invoice controller.
- InvoicePdfController
- This is the Invoice pdf controller.
- LocationsPathController
- This is the LocationsPathController controller class.
- LoginController
- This is the LoginController controller class.
- LoginSimulationController
- This is the login simulation controller.
- LogoutController
- This is the LogoutController controller class.
- LogoutSimulationController
- This is the LogoutSimulationController controller class.
- LostPasswordController
- This is the LostPasswordController controller class.
- NewPasswordController
- This is the NewPasswordController controller class.
- NewsletterController
- This is the NewsletterController controller class.
- OrderShipmentsController
- This is the OrderShipmentsController controller.
- RecoveryBasketController
- This is the RecoveryBasketController controller class.
- ReturnController
- This is the user delivery note controller.
- ReturnRequestController
- This is the ReturnRequestController controller class.
- ReturnTracingController
- This is the user delivery note controller.
- RmaController
- This is the user rma controller.
- RmaCorrectiveInvoiceController
- This is the user rma returns controller.
- RmaCorrectiveInvoicePdfController
- This is the RMA Corrective Invoice pdf controller.
- RmaPdfController
- This is the RMA pdf controller.
- RmaReturnsController
- This is the user rma returns controller.
- RmaReturnsPdfController
- This is the RMA returns pdf controller.
- SalesAgentCustomerOrdersController
- This is the sales agent customer orders controller.
- SalesAgentCustomersController
- This is the sales agent customers controller.
- SalesAgentSalesController
- This is the user rma returns controller.
- SendWishlistController
- This is the SendWishlistController controller class.
- SetAddressBookController
- This is the SetAddressBookController controller class.
- SetCurrencyController
- This is the SetCurrencyController controller class.
- UpdatePasswordController
- This is the UpdatePasswordController controller class.